
Everything You Need to Know About SysAid 9.1 Beta

Joseph Zargari

6 min read


Happy Beta testing to all our dear Pathfinders who have been enthusiastic and thorough, helping us ensure the official release is even better. I have summed up the highlights of the 9.1 Beta testing, but if you want more in depth information or to post your own comment, please visit the Beta Issue Forum on our Community.

And, of course, if you want to become one of our elite Beta Testers, we welcome you with open arms to join the league of SysAid Pathfinder here. You will get an exclusive look at SysAid new Release 9.1 and be the first to test all its new features!

What People Are Saying about the New UI

So far, Pathfinders have given the following positive reviews about the new UI:

  • “More professional…The top menu allows for quick one-click navigation to most pages.”
  • “Everything is faster, more overview, very successful.”
  • “A large plus and a smiley for column auto scaling!”
  • “Very happy about the new Category <> Template relationship. This will help to assign Special templates to different requests.”

And some critiques:

  • Pop-up windows should open wider so users can scroll down and read all the information/ to reach the buttons.
  • In the Customize List on select pages, the check box spacing needs a more defined break between menus and lists.

Patch Management Update

Big thanks to @Tech-Guy for bringing up the issue of Patch Management, which is not included in this release. No worries though because Patch Management will be here in just a couple of months!  SysAid would like to officially inform you that the Patch Management module will be released this November 2013.

Top 3 Bugs

Shout-out to one of our top Pathfinders @ Karlson for being so thorough and discovering the first 2 bugs on this list! We are aware of these bugs now thanks to our Pathfinders, and we will fix them in the upcoming Release Candidate.

  1. Category selection field on New CI form:
    There is a bug that does not allow the user to select a sub-category when creating a new CI (the values are in the list but will not be accepted).
  2. Knowledge Base article not displayed when selected:
    There’s a bug when a user selects an item in the new Knowledge Base, the item is not displayed.
  3. Error message when upgrading: *Resolved!
    While there was a bug in the upgrade installation file, we have resolved the bug with a manual repair fixed in the next build. If anyone encounters the same issue, please contact us at

The Known Issues

Here’s a list of Known Issues and some temporary workarounds to minimize interference:

  • #13129: Can’t select category when adding new article in the Knowledge Base.
    Workaround: Switch to old view and then add new article.
  • #13084: Service records with “assign_to=none” does not automatically assign to the admin who is editing the SR.
    Workaround: Manually assign the admin.
  • #13074: SysAid Agent version 8.5 and below that is installed on Windows 8 will not be upgraded to the new .NET Agent due to a .NET Framework issue.
    Workaround: Uninstall the old Agent and install the .NET Agent manually.
  • #13158: When you select an article in the new Knowledge Base from the sub-menu column, the article is not displayed.
    Workaround: Switch to old view of the KB.

Please share your thoughts in the comments or on Twitter, Google+, or Facebook where we are always listening.

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the Author

Joseph Zargari

As former VP Customer Relations, Joseph handled all customer support functions, including technical support, general queries, payments and the SysAid Community forum. With first-hand experience of SysAid products in the service desk environment, Joseph was a key source of input for SysAid’s design and development phases. In his free time, Joseph plays tennis, watches comedies, and does PHP coding.

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