SysAid-author-Doug Tedder

Doug Tedder


Doug is an ITSM and process improvement consultant, trainer, and accidental social media savant, enabling IT organizations to transform, sustain, and grow real business value. An active volunteer in the ITSM community, Doug is a frequent speaker and contributor to industry user group meetings, webinars, blogs, and national conventions.



October 29th, 2019

Errors, Bugs, Incidents, Defects, Oh My!

IT service management (ITSM) has always been about end-to-end service – a means of co-creating value to customers by facilitating outcomes that customers want without ownership of specific costs and risks. In theory. In theory, ITSM has always been about translating business requirements into the right mix of people, process, and technology that results in...

Illustration of a surprised man in orange shirt, symbolizing unexpected IT incidents managed efficiently with SysAid ITSM solutions. - SysAid



July 16th, 2019

You Can’t Automate What You Don’t Understand

In a blog I wrote last year, I said that automation is the next evolution of service management – that the way we do ITSM was going to change. Guess what? Not to sound smug, but heck, I was right! The way that we’re doing ITSM is changing – and changing for the better. Over...

Illustration of a person pondering ITSM complexities with question marks, reflecting SysAid's solutions for streamlined Service Desk operations. - SysAid



June 18th, 2019

The Secret to Ending Known Errors

As a young(er) sysadmin, I once tried to stand in the way of a major system rollout. The development effort for this new system had taken over nine months of effort, with a project team comprised of over 100 people from across the business. One of the major goals of the initiative was to replace...

Illustration of a tired computer monitor, symbolizing ITSM efficiency in resolving known errors, set on a green background. - SysAid



May 7th, 2019

How to Avoid ITSM Conversation Blunders

At a recent networking event, a senior IT leader stated, “I sometimes get frustrated when I ask a team member about a particular issue or end user. Often, I get this long, drawn-out technical explanation of the situation. I’m not asking about how the clock works; I just want to know what time it is.”...

Two colleagues engage in effective ITSM communication, optimizing service desk strategies with insights displayed on a tablet. - SysAid



February 26th, 2019

IT Optimization Never Ends – But Are You Riding the Right Wave?

IT organizations have long been driven by the need to optimize. Whether it’s because of competition, changes in the marketplace, new technologies or methodologies, regulatory compliance, or an acquisition, de-acquisition, or merger – businesses are continually trying to optimize. It may seem that IT optimization is a never-ending quest. Just as soon as an IT...

Businessman in a suit surfing blue waves on a green board, symbolizing seamless ITSM navigation and digital optimization with SysAid. - SysAid



January 22nd, 2019

Has Your ITSM Implementation Become a Zombie?

When it comes to ITSM at your company, are people just ‘going through’ the motions? Do your teams just do the minimum work that is required, and even then, not all that well? Are people just taking actions, without planning, checking, or identifying improvement opportunities? Does it seem like everyone is just mindlessly following the...

A cartoon zombie in a suit struggles with ITSM challenges at a desk, showcasing the need for efficient SysAid solutions. - SysAid



October 16th, 2018

DevOps Is ITSM (Like It or Not)

ITSM seems to have many definitions. The definition you get depends upon who you ask. My friends here at SysAid have defined ITSM as “the craft of implementing, managing, and delivering IT services to meet the needs of an organization. It ensures the appropriate mix of people, process, and technology are in place to provide...

A worker in a blue uniform and hard hat oversees machinery, symbolically reflecting SysAid's Service Desk precision in ITSM. - SysAid



September 18th, 2018

Making ITSM a Business ‘Good Practice’

I recently attended a networking event for IT professionals during which one of the speakers discussed “How to Market IT Internally and Externally.” The presentation’s core message was that every interaction with the IT organization is an opportunity to market the IT organization. Every interaction with IT is an opportunity to influence how the organization...

Silhouette of a basketball player dunking thrice, showcasing precision akin to SysAid's ITSM process efficiency. - SysAid



August 7th, 2018

The Curse of “Faster, Better, Cheaper”

Is there a point where you should no longer invest in being “faster, better, cheaper”? At what point should you focus more on innovation and experimentation and less on continual improvement? Make no mistake – I am a big believer of continual improvement. But when the focus is only on “faster, better, cheaper” – it...

Illustration of a woman casting a spell over a cauldron, symbolizing the magic of ITSM for faster, cheaper, better service. - SysAid



July 3rd, 2018

The Emerging “X Factor” of Service Management

Service management has always been about providing business value and outcomes. But now, providing business value and outcomes are not enough.  An “X factor” has emerged.  What is this “X factor”? The experience. The experience has become an enormously critical aspect of IT service management (ITSM). Why? The reason is simple – people. It’s the...

Logo for "The X Factor" mirrors the dynamic efficiency of SysAid's ITSM solutions, enhancing customer experience seamlessly. - SysAid



June 5th, 2018

People, Process, Technology, Automation – The Next Evolution of Service Management

If you’ve been around IT service management (ITSM) for any time, you can easily recite the three aspects of ITSM:  people, process, and technology. Frankly, the best way to implement ITSM is to first address the “people,” then develop “processes,” and then put into operation the “technology.” Some organizations follow this approach and have great...

A human and robot hand shake, symbolizing ITSM's blend of automation and service desk efficiency in IT management. - SysAid



May 1st, 2018

How to Stop Sending Every Flipping RfC to a CAB

If your IT organization funnels every Request for Change (RfC) to a Change Advisory Board (CAB) for implementation approval, then you’re doing change management wrong. If this is happening in your IT organization, do you even know why you’re doing that? What is the real value of sending every RfC to the CAB? I would...

An agile individual performs a backflip on a beach, embodying the adaptability of SysAid's ITSM solutions in dynamic environments. - SysAid



April 3rd, 2018

The Difference between “Outcomes” and “Outputs” Makes a Difference!

In another SysAid blog, I used an analogy of a pizza delivery to illustrate the point about the difference between outcomes and outputs. The outputs of a pizza delivery service are the pizza itself and the delivery of the pizza. Regardless of what pizza delivery store you may use, the outputs are the same. Why...

Freshly baked pepperoni pizza on a wooden paddle, symbolizing SysAid’s efficiency in ITSM and Help Desk solutions. - SysAid



August 7th, 2018

The Curse of “Faster, Better, Cheaper”

Is there a point where you should no longer invest in being “faster, better, cheaper”? At what point should you focus more on innovation and experimentation and less on continual improvement? Make no mistake – I am a big believer of continual improvement. But when the focus is only on “faster, better, cheaper” – it...

Illustration of a woman casting a spell over a cauldron, symbolizing the magic of ITSM for faster, cheaper, better service. - SysAid



July 16th, 2019

You Can’t Automate What You Don’t Understand

In a blog I wrote last year, I said that automation is the next evolution of service management – that the way we do ITSM was going to change. Guess what? Not to sound smug, but heck, I was right! The way that we’re doing ITSM is changing – and changing for the better. Over...

Illustration of a person pondering ITSM complexities with question marks, reflecting SysAid's solutions for streamlined Service Desk operations. - SysAid



October 29th, 2019

Errors, Bugs, Incidents, Defects, Oh My!

IT service management (ITSM) has always been about end-to-end service – a means of co-creating value to customers by facilitating outcomes that customers want without ownership of specific costs and risks. In theory. In theory, ITSM has always been about translating business requirements into the right mix of people, process, and technology that results in...

Illustration of a surprised man in orange shirt, symbolizing unexpected IT incidents managed efficiently with SysAid ITSM solutions. - SysAid



May 1st, 2018

How to Stop Sending Every Flipping RfC to a CAB

If your IT organization funnels every Request for Change (RfC) to a Change Advisory Board (CAB) for implementation approval, then you’re doing change management wrong. If this is happening in your IT organization, do you even know why you’re doing that? What is the real value of sending every RfC to the CAB? I would...

An agile individual performs a backflip on a beach, embodying the adaptability of SysAid's ITSM solutions in dynamic environments. - SysAid



June 5th, 2018

People, Process, Technology, Automation – The Next Evolution of Service Management

If you’ve been around IT service management (ITSM) for any time, you can easily recite the three aspects of ITSM:  people, process, and technology. Frankly, the best way to implement ITSM is to first address the “people,” then develop “processes,” and then put into operation the “technology.” Some organizations follow this approach and have great...

A human and robot hand shake, symbolizing ITSM's blend of automation and service desk efficiency in IT management. - SysAid



October 16th, 2018

DevOps Is ITSM (Like It or Not)

ITSM seems to have many definitions. The definition you get depends upon who you ask. My friends here at SysAid have defined ITSM as “the craft of implementing, managing, and delivering IT services to meet the needs of an organization. It ensures the appropriate mix of people, process, and technology are in place to provide...

A worker in a blue uniform and hard hat oversees machinery, symbolically reflecting SysAid's Service Desk precision in ITSM. - SysAid



April 25th, 2017

The 7 Deadly Sins of Change Management

Many businesses, and IT organizations, become frustrated with a lack of agility and responsiveness with their change management process. Rather than being viewed as a “value enabler,” the change management process is often seen as overly bureaucratic and a hindrance to getting things done. But in my experience, these issues usually boil down to a...

Illustration of multicolored wine bottles on a blue backdrop symbolizing ITSM's role in seamless change management. - SysAid



December 27th, 2016

The Case of the Ignored Business Case

“What advice do you have when your business case for ITSM is created but ignored?” This is what @sysaid tweeted to me in reply to my tweet regarding my blog The Case of the Missing Business Case. @gamingpaul @TedderConsLLC what advice do you have when business case is created but ignored? — SysAid (@sysaid) November...

Two professionals in white shirts illustrate unity and collaboration, key principles of SysAid's ITSM solutions. - SysAid



November 7th, 2017

Top 4 Keys to Self-Service Portal Success & More

Consider this scenario. After a few months of work, your IT organization has rolled out the new self-service portal. There were a few announcements made in the corporate newsletter, and service desk agents are letting callers know about the new portal during contacts with the service desk. But the new self-service portal hasn’t had the...

Screenshot of a video showing ITSM interface on a computer with space-themed wallpaper, highlighting SysAid's Service Desk capabilities. - SysAid



January 22nd, 2019

Has Your ITSM Implementation Become a Zombie?

When it comes to ITSM at your company, are people just ‘going through’ the motions? Do your teams just do the minimum work that is required, and even then, not all that well? Are people just taking actions, without planning, checking, or identifying improvement opportunities? Does it seem like everyone is just mindlessly following the...

A cartoon zombie in a suit struggles with ITSM challenges at a desk, showcasing the need for efficient SysAid solutions. - SysAid



January 16th, 2018

The One Change Management Measure that Matters (But No One Measures)

In one of my previous SysAid blogs, I said that one of the primary purposes of the change management process was “to ensure that a change delivers the intended result…if a change is implemented, but it does not deliver the intended result, this points to larger issues that must be addressed.” But ask any Change...

A large green number one made of small squares symbolizes ITSM change management, with orange squares accentuating the process. - SysAid

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