Service Desk

10 Superpowers to Strengthen Your Service Desk

Oded Moshe

6 min read


Superpowers for the Service Desk

Today service desk managers are consistently required to do more with less – helping ever-demanding end users and trying to promote their organization’s digital transformation efforts. You know what I’m talking about, all those missed service level agreements (SLAs), unresolved tickets, lack of visibility, and wishing you had the time to focus more on innovation. So, what can you do in the year ahead to help your organization move beyond all this turmoil and start actually moving forward? I’m here to show you that there are 10 superpowers you need that will strengthen your service desk in 2020.

Let’s jump right in.

Reaching success with service desk superpowers

Superpower #1: 360-degree vision – The power to see in all directions at once

According to SysAid’s data scientists, IT admins waste 85% of their time on ticket resolution. Having the ability to gain insight into all activities from a single application gives you the capacity to eliminate the complexity of managing incidents and requests and resolve issues faster. It also gives you the power of knowledge. Picture the value of having all the data you need at your fingertips, helping you identify the root cause of each incident. You can also close the loop much faster by having everything in one place – the ticket. This helps to provide a highly productive, intuitive, and seamless experience that reduces MTTR.

Superpower #2: Super speed  The ability to move at a speed beyond the normal human capacity

Today, the main goal is to move quickly, and what better way to do that than with super speed? Built-in automation capabilities allow you to relieve service desk agents from manual and repetitive tasks. Making sure you meet your SLAs and bring value to your organization by decreasing the time it takes to process things, resolving issues faster, and improving the customer experience and overall satisfaction.

In fact, in an SDI report, A View From the Frontline 2019, we can see that service desk professionals ranked automation and AI as one of their top 3 key innovations/improvements for 2019. In 2017, automation and AI ranked 6% among service desk professionals’ priorities, and in the latest update, they stand at a whopping 43%. This proves the necessity for speed in an on-demand world where customers want their issues resolved as quickly as possible.

Improvements for ITSM tool

What about the other superpowers?

If you’re interested in learning more (there’s a total of 10 superpowers), please watch my webinar that I recently hosted: 2020 and Beyond: 10 Superpowers to Strengthen Your Service Desk. See how to put on your superhero cape and fly to success – simply watch the recording on-demand at your leisure.

All success takes is arming yourself with the right ammo.

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the Author

Oded Moshe

Oded has been leading product development at SysAid for 13 years and is currently spearheading strategic product partnerships. He’s a seasoned product and IT management executive with over 18 years of experience. He is passionate about building and delivering innovative products that solve real-world problems.

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