
The Top 20 Questions About SysAid’s Self-Service Portal – Answered!

Danny Tashiev

6 min read


Self-Service Portal Q&A

On September 12th SysAid hosted its wildly successful webinar on its Self-Service Portal, one of the newest features slated for release in the upcoming on-premise Summer 2017 release, (v17.3) which is currently in beta testing and is scheduled for general release at the end of November, 2017 (already available on cloud).

During the webinar, participants got a chance to view the new and improved Self-Service Portal, learn about valuable, new feature updates, how to get started with their new SysAid Self-Service Portal, and check out the upcoming SysAid Product Roadmap.

Throughout the webinar, the response was enthusiastic – we received nearly a whopping 100 questions in total. We’ve gone ahead and answered all of your questions, with the top 20 questions featured in this blog post, and the remainder answered in the SysAid Community Forum.

Keep reading to view the most frequently asked 20 questions during our webinar.

Your Top 20 Questions on SysAid’s Self-Service Portal

Q1: Can you link a request template in a toolbox widget item?A1: Yes, please see this online help page to learn how to set this up.
Q2: Is it possible to customize and filter the fields on the scoreboard, based on subtype?A2: We’re currently developing the ability to customize the scoreboard columns and also the ability to filter the results by static filter; this will allow you to filter out the irrelevant results.
Q3: In the webinar, the Self-Service Portal shows the scoreboard and FAQ displayed together, in a side-by-side view. Can you customize the positioning?A3: Yes. You can also position the FAQ panel above or below the scoreboard, in addition to on the right-hand side.
Q4: I’m looking to create a Service Catalog. How many auto-categorized / workflow items can I add to a screen?A4: The full-fledged Service Catalog is currently in development. In the current version, you can link to a specific URL or template using Toolbox Widget Items.
Q5: My current end users don’t log in. Do I need to enable their accounts for login, so that they can take advantage of the portal?A5: Some functionality is available to guest users, including submitting a request, FAQs, and news/updates. However, users are required to login to the Self-Service Portal to access its full functionality, including viewing all ticket history.
Q6: If we updated the End-User Portal HTML, do we still need to update the Self-Service Portal?A6: Unfortunately, End-User Portal HTML customizations don’t carry over to Self-Service Portal. You can customize your Self-Service Portal with the brand-new theme and banner customization functionality. And if you have more advanced HTML customizations – you can check out the iframe widget.
Q7: Does the Self-Service Portal replace the End-User Portal?A7: You can replace the End-User Portal with the Self-Service Portal, or run both of them in parallel. In the future, we’re aiming at replacing the End-User Portal entirely with the Self-Service Portal.
Q8: Do you recommend that users use the mobile website, instead of their SysAid app?A8: Users can use the mobile website, in addition to their app.
Q9: Can I restrict the access of certain agents from the Self-Service Portal settings? I do not see that it is possible to restrict access in the menu.A9: The access restrictions work similarly to other settings in SysAid. Only SysAid administrators (with full permissions) can view and make changes in the Self-Service Portal settings menu.
Q10: Is there a version of the Self-Service Portal available for Linux?A10: Yes. We’re working on creating a new installation package for Linux. We’ll update it on our website when it becomes available.
Q11: Is it possible to perform an advanced search in the Self-Service Portal, like what exists in the v17.2 End-User Portal (searches by ticket number, date range, submitted user, assigned to)?A11: There is a syntax to perform advanced search queries. We haven’t released it yet – we’re still testing it, but we’re going to release advanced filtering in the SR (service record) lists soon.
Q12: Is it possible to filter action items to only show enabled actions?A12: Filtering is planned for a near-future release.
Q13: What version of the agent is needed to support the video ticket feature?A13: This is part of Summer 17 release, so this is supported from v17.3 and up (currently available in beta).
Q14: When will the Agent Portal look like the Self-Service Portal?A14: We’re currently working on an enhanced Agent Portal UI. Stay tuned to find out more details.
Q15: Is the Self-Service Portal available now?A15: The Self-Service Portal is available on SysAid Cloud and in the next On-Premise release (which is now in beta).
Q16: Where can I download the Summer 17 version?A16: The Summer 17 release (v17.3), which includes the Self-Service Portal is currently in its beta phase. Please join the Pathfinders program to participate:
Q17: When will Summer 17 release (v17.3) be available?A17: The Summer 17 release has been in beta since September 24th 2017, and is slated for final release at the end of November.
Q18: Is the personalization feature only available to Agents?A18: The administrators are able to customize the themes, banners, and more. Users will be able to select a custom theme from a list of themes managed by administrators.
Q19: Is it possible to use the Self-Service Portal in another language at this time, such as Spanish?A19: We are in the process of translating the Self-Service Portal into additional languages, so additional language options (including Spanish), will be available shortly.
Q20: Does the Self-Service Portal (Cloud version) have more codeless customization options, i.e. moving the widget to the top of the Self-Service Portal and the scoreboard to the bottom of the page?A20: Yes, the latest cloud release allows you to arrange the widgets in any order you like.

Want to Read the Full List of Questions Asked During the Webinar?

Be sure to check them out in the SysAid Community Forum.

Missed the Self-Service Portal Webinar?

We’ve got you covered. You can view the full recording here.

Didn’t Get a Chance to Ask Your Question During the Webinar?

We’d love to hear your questions or feedback about our new Self-Service Portal in the comments below!

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the Author

Danny Tashiev

Community Manager and a Product team member at SysAid – set on a mission to help humanity (or at least a small percentage of it on the Community forums), and make our software even greater. Working in the tech market since 2007, Danny’s gained experience in translations, information research, and a whole lot of tech support. He’s an avid reader, a long-time gamer, and a true child of the internet with a dark sense of humor and a taste for eccentric music.

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