
SysAid Support is About to Get Even More Supercalifragilisticexpiali-Help-You!

Joseph Zargari

6 min read


SysAid Support is About to Get Even More Supercalifragilisticexpiali-Help-You!

We’re very excited – because SysAid has further upped its commitment to exceptional customer service. We’ve made some structural changes to enhance the way in which we deliver support – splitting general customer support away from technical support – and, as a result, our personal service to you will improve.

It’s not because our service wasn’t great before, but because you – our amazing customers – deserve better than just “great” service. You deserve exceptional service that’s simply supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! We want to ensure that you get maximum value from your investment in SysAid and we firmly believe that part of this is receiving the greatest customer experience possible.

We value your loyalty, and we understand that without you we wouldn’t exist.

What will change?

We’re introducing a new team dedicated to “Business Services,” where every customer will have a dedicated Account Manager for non-technical inquiries. Your Account Manager will be responsible for:

  • Managing your relationship with SysAid
  • General queries and questions about the product and/or service
  • Assisting with implementations and upgrades
  • Handling complaints
  • Facilitating any training/advisory requirements
  • Providing information, such as changes to service, new releases, etc.

Ultimately your Account Manager will be responsible for ensuring that all your needs are fulfilled. By providing you with ONE point of contact we hope to build a superior relationship that helps us to better understand and anticipate your needs.

By splitting customer support (“Business Services”) out from the Technical Support team, Technical Support will be able to focus 100% of their efforts on fixing technical issues, resulting in a quicker response time and a quicker recovery time for any technical issues encountered.

Overall, we’re dividing support responsibilities to improve our services and our service.

Is this change for everyone?

The only customers unaffected by this change are “Gold customers” and customers of SysAid FREE.

  • Gold customers will continue to be served by their current Account Manager
  • SysAid FREE customers will continue to receive support via the SysAid Online Community

If you’re unsure as to whether or not this change affects you, just give us a shout. We’re only too happy to help clarify if the change will impact your organization.

So who is my new Account Manager?

In the next few days you’ll receive an email detailing all the changes specific to YOUR account. If you currently already have an Account Manager this email will be sent from them. This will then be followed by an introductory email from your new Account Manager.

Our ongoing commitment to you

We’re here for YOU and we’re 100% committed to delivering first-class technical support and a service experience personalized to your business requirements. This is exactly why we’ve made this minor, but significant change, to improve the way in which we interact with you to deliver a more valuable service.

In a nutshell

  • Look out for two emails highlighting changes to your account and introducing you to your new Account Manager
  • For Technical Support contact or
  • Whilst you wait for your new Account Manager’s details feel free to contact with any queries

And don’t forget

SysAid is still very much ON THE ROAD, travelling to your offices to help ensure that you are getting maximum value from your investment in SysAid. With a focus on developing a deeper understanding of, and resolution to, any open issues that you may have, gathering feedback for future feature requests, and listening to your implementation stories, we’ll come to you wherever you are in the world. All you have to do is ASK. Email your request to us at or liaise with your Account Manager to schedule a visit.

Let your voice be heard

You’re only ever one click away from helping us make your experience with us even better. Why not share your thoughts on these new support changes in the SysAid Online Community, or give us your recommendations for improvements to the product? Perhaps there’s an IT Service Management (ITSM) process that you are struggling with? Why not let us know so that we can write a best practice blog just for you? Whether in the community, or by contacting, we want to hear from you! The future developments of the SysAid solution and related activities are in your hands! It’s your voice that matters.

Please share your thoughts in the comments or on Twitter, Google+, or Facebook where we are always listening.

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the Author

Joseph Zargari

As former VP Customer Relations, Joseph handled all customer support functions, including technical support, general queries, payments and the SysAid Community forum. With first-hand experience of SysAid products in the service desk environment, Joseph was a key source of input for SysAid’s design and development phases. In his free time, Joseph plays tennis, watches comedies, and does PHP coding.

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