
What Is SysAid’s Service Level Agreement?

Yair Bortinger

6 min read


SysAid’s SLA: Bronze, Silver, and Gold Support Lineup

My customers ask me this question all the time – what is SysAid’s SLA? Up until recently my answer was always, “We don’t have an official SLA but we strive to reply within 24 hours.” Today, I am thrilled to change my answer because now SysAid does have an official SLA!!!

Countless hours have been spent in meetings, planning, rethinking our work processes, changing the way we answer phone calls and chats, fixing replies to emails, creating new routing and escalation rules, adding new functionalities by using the new Email Rules feature, and much more. All our investment in this reform was done in order to bring a better service experience to our customers.

Introducing SysAid’s Bronze, Silver, and Gold Support Lineup

We divided our customers into three SLAs: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The customer’s SLA is determined by their license value, including the SysAid edition, number of agents, and number of assets.

Internally, within Customer Relations, we completely reorganized the department according to the new SLA, and now we have four separate teams: Bronze, Silver, and Gold who are dedicated to service the customers in their respective SLA, plus the Cloud Infrastructure team of course.

We’ve been working within the new structure for a few months already, learning and adjusting the work process all the time. From this experience, we came up with the following:

  • Bronze customers usually need more tech support than account management so that is why we decided to allocate to all Bronze customers a team of support engineers to provide quick and effective support. With the help of Professional Services, we developed a round-robin mechanism that assigns the new SR to the next available support engineer at any given point in time.
  • Silver and Gold customers will have a dedicated account manager who will be in charge of all aspects of the account: tech support, administrative issues, coordinating activities with Professional Services if needed, and basically cater to all the customer needs from the beginning. This means help with the initial setup, implementing different modules, and providing support advice when needed.Gold account managers will have half the number of accounts to manage than a Silver account manager giving them the ability to provide a much more personal service…I would allow myself to even say – an intimate relationship with each customer.
  • SysAid Panic Button – App for Gold customers only. We asked one of our mobile developers to write an app for iOS and Android devices that will allow you to alert your account manager (or someone from the team) 24×7, when you have a Priority 1 crisis.
    SysAid Panic Button app
  • We added the ability for customers to self-escalate the priority of submitted SRs. On the new SR notification that you receive (each time you send an email), if the SR is not already in Priority 1 then you’ll get a link that allows you to escalate the priority to Priority 1.Note: We have a very precise definition to Priority 1, so using this new feature does not automatically mean that the SLA for Priority 1 will be enforced. What is Priority 1 is detailed in the SysAid SLA.

With this new SLA all our customers are winners :-).

UPDATE July 7, 2014: SysAid Support got even better with the new Business Services team.

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the Author

Yair Bortinger

Working at SysAid since 2011, first as an account manager and now leading the SysAid Gold Support team, Yair is passionate about giving top-notch customer service and you can often hear him schmoozing comfortably with his customers. A history buff, a Trekkie, and being a dedicated husband and father to two small boys complete the package that makes Yair the smiley-faced darling in the office and out!

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