
Introducing SysAid Cloud Release 9.1 with Brand-New UI

Oded Moshe

6 min read


SysAid Service Desk Cloud Release 9.1

So you are a SysAid Cloud customer, and you are used to getting new features every few weeks, but this is more than just a bunch of new features—it is a whole new experience!

If you are an On-Premise customer, don’t worry, we are launching the Beta on Aug 11th that will include the new UI plus many more features we have added since 9.0.533. So stay tuned….

For me, this release is one of the most exciting releases in the past few years. Every release that introduces new features is always exciting, but there is something special about this one.

First the planning of this release spanned over a long time—much longer than previous releases and included a lot of research as you probably read in Maurice’s blog post a few weeks ago, but most importantly in this release, we focused on the experience of working with SysAid.

9.1 has been available as a Release Preview as of June 30th, and since then a large amount of you Cloud customers have asked to be upgraded to this new exciting release. Well the time has come that the rest of you join the party!

Some Background on Release 9.1

Let me tell you a bit about this new release:

We kept in mind new design approaches and trends that have been introduced to the world in the past few years via various new services (mainly social) and software that became part of our day-to-day living.

A lot of the effort was put into planning a smooth upgrade for all of our existing customers—we took apart our whole menu structure that grew and grew over time and put it back together in a more structured way with simple logic. Once you get the hang of the logic (and you will very quickly), you won’t be looking for functions or settings anymore, they will be in the first place you naturally would expect them to be!

So What’s New?

SysAid Service Desk 9.1 screenshot of new menu

Our 4 main categories: Service Desk, Assets, Analytics and Tools cover all the functions and modules and you can quickly access any function you need on a daily basis within upto 2 clicks! This is extremely important for you as we know that the majority of you spend most of your day within SysAid. That is also why we put a lot of effort on designing a clean, carefully measured workspace with just enough borders, spacing, and balanced amount of elements on the screen—so you get a great experience working with our software.

We also created a settings section, where we took all the settings in SysAid and put them together in a section of their own. This allows you to easily navigate through the settings based on the various topics. We went another step forward and again took apart all the settings that appeared in tabs, and laid them out in a simple structure that can be easily accessed.

We know most of you are used to finding asset settings under Assets and service desk settings under Service Desk, etc…so we went back to the main menu and created quick links to bring you even faster to the settings you seek! Both ways lead you to the same settings of course—we just wanted to make sure you have a smooth upgrade :).

We added a third menu section for the special menu items like My Settings, the About page, and more.

Besides the menus, we also created a new experience in the way you communicate with each other.

Service Desk notificationsI am sure you are all familiar with the notification method that has become so common these days on smartphones and social networks, which let you know your attention is needed in a non-intrusive way.
Similarly, we created an announcement icon with a number indicating the amount of unread announcements. This small icon is your communication center—it brings together IT news that you publish to your teams, instant messages you write to each other, and instant messages from SysAid about your Service Records (if you have this option enabled). You will also be able to get product updates and announcements in this section from time to time.

Additional Information

For those of you who need help getting familiar with the new UI, we prepared an orientation table that maps every item in the previous UI and where to find it in the new UI.

To start, I invite you to watch the recording of our July webinar that guides you through all the new exciting stuff!

Just a last note to mention that besides all the things I mentioned above, you will also find more fine tuning we did on various screens to fit into the new User Interface. And this is just the beginning—we have much more planned in the near future!

Please share your thoughts in the comments or on Twitter, Google+, or Facebook where we are always listening.

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the Author

Oded Moshe

Oded has been leading product development at SysAid for 13 years and is currently spearheading strategic product partnerships. He’s a seasoned product and IT management executive with over 18 years of experience. He is passionate about building and delivering innovative products that solve real-world problems.

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