
Progressing from 2013 to 2014: It Is All About You!

Sarah Lahav

6 min read


In 2014 ITSM is all about you

2013 was a great year and it is all thanks to you…SysAiders around the world, you rock!

Just as 2013 comes to an end, I would like to summarize briefly a few highlights that happened this year:

  • We released two SysAid versions that included 34 new features and 146 bug fixes.
  • We delivered the first step in our end-user interface revolution.
  • We implemented patch management.
  • We lost one database
  • We exhibited at one trade show (SITS13).
  • We initiated SysAid On The Road and already visited 5 customers.
  • We had 12 webinars, 392 eLearning course participants, 1062 Community discussions, and 4 Pathfinder Roundtables.

But for me, our biggest achievement this year is our new Contributions feature implemented in SysAid 14.1. This new feature enables us to celebrate our achievements together all year long. It is our way to thank each and every one of you for every Feature Request implemented that was your idea, every bug resolution that was fixed thanks to your report, and every SysAid On The Road visit that allows us to learn something new and implement it in the product for the benefit of the Community.

Our first special thanks on our 1st and 2nd contributions go to our valuable and irreplaceable Community member Michael Z, who was also our first visit with SysAid On The Road this year, in Denmark.

Thanks to Michael’s requests, users can now set reminders to alert them of an expiration date for a knowledge base article (FR #13525) and a notification is now sent to administrators when an action item is reassigned to them (FR #13522). See screenshots below:

Contributions feature in SysAid

Contributions feature in SysAid

We know that it is all about YOU and with the Contributions feature within SysAid, we no longer need to wait for the year to end to say THANK YOU! We will say it all year, 365 days a year.

2013 was great but 2014 is going to be even better. We have big plans:

  • Three releases with an emphasis on fixes
  • Four tradeshows
  • We are going to lose one more database (just kidding ;))
  • Additional end-user interface improvements
  • New reports
  • iPad app
  • More: webinars, SysAid On The Road visits, roundtables, videos, Community discussions…..more of everything…. and it is all about you and for you.

So our New Year’s resolution is to do more for all of you, listen, share, and of course to come see you. You deserve the best and we are going to deliver.

We are here for you on Twitter, Facebook, SysAid Community , email, phone….whatever feels right for you to communicate to us your requirements, wishes, and anything you want to share to the team or to me directly.

I look forward to hearing, seeing, and sharing so much more in 2014.

Happy New Year, everyone!

Please share your thoughts in the comments or on Twitter, Google+, or Facebook where we are always listening.

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the Author

Sarah Lahav

As the company’s 1st employee, Sarah has remained the vital link between SysAid Technologies and its customers since 2003. Former CEO, former VP Customer Relations. Always passionate about customer service! Mother of two adorable young boys and a baby girl…juggles work, family, and zumba classes with ease.

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