
SysAid Customer Relations Take a Trip to the Blue

Sivan Kroitoru

6 min read


On September 15th we had our annual Customer Relations Day, a day to relax away from the office without the normal separation of borders between managers and staff, where we can take a little bit of a load off.

We decided to drop off our burdens at the beach and hop onto a boat, and have a day out in the sun. As you can imagine we spend most of our time in a closed office where we hardly see the sun (which I personally don’t complain about but maybe I’m not the norm).

SysAid Customer Relations Day 2013

And no, that wasn’t our boat. This was what we went on.

SysAid Customer Relations Day 2013

I am the one next to the really tall guy on the right…oh, the problems of being short.

After our boat took us into the deep waters of the Mediterranean Sea, a few of us decided to jump in—some with more skill than others.

SysAid Customer Relations Day 2013

After a 3-hour boat ride, we came back to land at around 1pm.

But the day was not over yet!

After handling the waves of the ocean, we then drove to a beautiful villa, where we were treated to a superb steak lunch by the pool.

SysAid Customer Relations Day 2013

The hot tub was pretty relaxing too. Above you can see the final photo of the day where we made a pact – whatever happens at The Villa, stays at The Villa.

You will just have to imagine the rest ;).


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the Author

Sivan Kroitoru

Born in Israel and raised in the United States, Sivan has been across the world several times. In SysAid, Sivan started as a help desk ticket dispatcher and in just under a year worked her way up to being an Account Manager for the VIP/Gold customers, and then onwards to SysAid Professional Services. The geek that she is keeps her, during her recreational time, immersed in gaming online at home with a few friends in the wonderful air-conditioned apartment avoiding the sun.

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