
What SysAid 9.1 New Release Means For YOU

Sarah Lahav

4 min read


SysAid On The Road

In the last few weeks you heard about the beautiful UI, Dynamic Forms, SysAid RDS and all the other magnificent new features in SysAid 9.1. Today I wanted to talk about another central aspect of our new release: YOU, our customers.

Throughout the year we talk to our Pathfinders, hold Customer Roundtables, and receive your feature requests. But when Beta season comes around we always discover a newfound appreciation for customer feedback, realizing how important it is have you involved. Every time we incorporate customer feedback into SysAid, we’ve gotten wonderful responses and incredible results.

We’re Listening

SysAid 9.1 represents just how effective it is to communicate with our customers: we heard that our On-Premise customers wanted to have new releases more often, similar to the amount of releases our Cloud customers receive. We reacted by releasing SysAid 9.1—which sets the infrastructure that will allow us to release double the amount of releases next year for On-Premise customers. We achieved this by consolidating the number of On-Premise databases, so there is less QA required and more time for new releases to go out in a shorter timeframe.

Now, all SysAiders, both On-Premise and Cloud users, can expect to have a new release in the next couple of months. This is just one example of SysAid incorporating customer feedback.

SysAid On The Road

Another step to continue nurturing our relationship with customers is our new initiative called SysAid On The Road, which will see our team travelling the world to meet customers face-to-face and ensure they are getting the maximum value from SysAid’s platform. We will also focus on getting a deeper understanding of any open issues customers may have with SysAid.

Our first stop is Denmark this upcoming week where we will visit AVK, and we are REALLY excited about it. If you would like us to visit your office, or would like further information on what SysAid On The Road is all about, then contact us at: We want to see how SysAid can enhance your daily life as an IT admin even more, so invite us over!

SysAiders, we are in listening mode. As CEO, I still manage the accounts I had as VP Customer Relations so that I can continue to maintain a hands-on relationship with customers. Today, I am inviting each one of you to email me personally with any questions, concerns or comments you may have at Let’s keep this incredibly open and responsive relationship we have going strong.

Please share your thoughts in the comments or on Twitter, Google+, or Facebook where we are always listening.

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the Author

Sarah Lahav

As the company’s 1st employee, Sarah has remained the vital link between SysAid Technologies and its customers since 2003. Former CEO, former VP Customer Relations. Always passionate about customer service! Mother of two adorable young boys and a baby girl…juggles work, family, and zumba classes with ease.

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