If you have not yet seen a trial or watched a demo of SysAid’s help desk software, you might be wondering what it is and how it can help your organization.
There are a number of high-level reasons that we like to promote about our help desk software such as choice – SysAid offers cloud and on-premise delivery models, and different levels of capabilities and pricing. We also offer a high-degree of flexibility – allowing easy configuration and customization. And the fact is that customers tell us we are one of the (if not the top) best-value help desk software offerings on the market.

But these reasons are an overlay to the real reasons for choosing SysAid’s help desk software, that SysAid Help Desk will help you to improve the quality of service delivery and IT support, improve the efficiency of help desk and IT operations, save money in terms of help desk software costs, and improve the customer experience for your end users. In particular, SysAid’s help desk software can help through:
- Offering all the essentials. It contains everything your help desk needs to start delivering increased benefit and value to your customers, in one integrated help desk software implementation. We like to say of SysAid Help Desk: “One help desk, all the essentials.”
- Consistency and increased visibility. The help desk software ensures that standardized methods and processes are used across help desk activities. SysAid makes incidents, and resolution progress, visible to both help desk agents and end users/customers who have logged them directly or via an agent.
- Communication and access channel choice. SysAid Help Desk supports end-user self-service as well as conventional reporting to help desk agents via telephone, walk up, email, and chat.
- Help desk and IT service management (ITSM) best practice. The help desk software is based on industry best practice frameworks such as ITIL* to ensure it meets the needs of customers of all sizes and levels of maturity.
- Proven success, with over 10,000 customers worldwide. SysAid’s large customer base demonstrates that the help desk software is proven and delivers what customers want and need. Speaking with existing customers offers you the opportunity to talk with people familiar and happy with the SysAid Help Desk software to help you to ensure that you get it right for your organization
- Being more than just help desk software. While SysAid supports incident management, service request management, and complaints (and compliments) management, there are a number of other time and money saving capabilities. For instance, IT asset management, self-service password reset, remote control, knowledge management, and a configuration management database (CMDB).
- Modern consumer-world capabilities. The help desk software offers the capabilities that end users expect from 21st century support: chat, mobile apps, self-service, and more.
- Insight into help desk performance. SysAid Help Desk provides a wide range of dashboard and reporting capabilities that deliver information matched to need. Whether it be for help desk staff and managers, the CIO, or for those in between.
- Choice of delivery and payment methods. SysAid’s help desk software runs where you want it – on premise or in the cloud. If you want all the benefits of cloud, such as not having to buy and maintain the infrastructure to host the help desk software and no software maintenance fees, then SysAid Cloud and a subscription-based model is for you. Alternatively, host SysAid locally and use the perpetual licensing model.
- Paying only for what you need now, and reassessing in the future. You might only need help desk software now and SysAid Help Desk will meet all your needs. As your IT service management matures, however, you might want more than what help desk software can offer, at which point you can be effortlessly migrated to SysAid ITSM and its wider portfolio of capabilities.
* ITIL is the IT service management (ITSM) best practice framework formerly known as the IT Infrastructure Library.